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Hardening Network Here is an handy DNS tool called dig integrated with bind - get a graphical monitoring tool EtherApe - a microsoft tool to check patch status in windows OS hfnetchk - linux kenel IDS LIDS - packet filtering under BDS with pf - an implementation of traceroute using tcp - to enumate or scan host under win32 winfingerprint - download the basitille / Linux hardening program - An enhaced ping tool fping - here is an IP network monitoring tool iptraf - for special purposes need of packet forgery with libnet - A suitable place to download pwdump3 and other NT password crackers to test your system - an IP based acess control and logging system  

Use of qmail as MTA - Use of postfix as MTA - for encrypted drop use openSSH instead of rsh - Use Linux kernel Patch here - Here is place of a scan detection tool - Use john the Ripper to test your network and password policy - Download a tiny pop3 daemon designed with security as primaary goal - You can get another openwall GNU\Linux which is really secured - Here is a place for the famous Fydor tool called nmap - rpasswd can really help generate random password, provided you don't want it to be easily guessable.

Get arpwatch here - Manage Windows System with pstools - An excellent windows SSH client putty - a tcpreplay to replay tcpdump files - to analize forensic data use The Coroner's Toolkit - To get a wordwide visual route click here - download Korio free personal firewall - free release of windows zone alarme - core of zone alarme - host/OS/network discovery tools are cheops and cheops-ng -
(c) 2005 constantin yamkoudougou